Making the sabbatical accessible to Black women.
You CAN live your travel dreams. I can help. Free workshop: The Only 4 Things You Need To Start Life In A New Country.

Start House Sitting
House sitters get a free place to stay around the world. You don't have to know someone rich and famous to get started. On vacation, retired or trying out digital nomad life? You can house sit.

Go Abroad
Maybe you want a short sabbatical to recharge and renew; maybe you want to reset by moving overseas for good. I can show you how to do it and how much more possible it is for you than you even know.

Make Online Income
If money is the reason you're not living your travel dreams, get ready to get gone. Learn how to turn skills you already have into online income that will support you anywhere in the world.

My YouTube channel can change your life!
And I mean that. If you're ready to break up with the USA or at least start seeing other countries, join 150,000+ subscribers on the move.
Check out my channel
The only 4 things you need to start your life abroad
You celebrate other people moving abroad or becoming digital nomads, but you think it's too hard for you. There's nothing more deserving about those people. They just knew something you don't — how to tell a roadblock from a simple obstacle. Watch my free workshop and you'll learn if your dream really can come true.
Watch Free Workshop

Join our community for Black women ready to spread their wings
We're here for the community, the sharing of information and for the accountability.
Join the ExodUS CommunityDon't miss out on your dream!
Get you free New Housesitter Toolkit and learn exactly how I book house sits.